Media & news Te hunga pāpāho me ngā rongo kōrero


Election advertising and the Electoral Act 1993

Sept 7, 2005

Note: this release relates to advertising other than broadcasting advertising on television or radio where some special rules apply.

Media release

2.8 million EasyVote information packs delivered from 8 September

Sept 7, 2005

2.8 million EasyVote information packs from the Chief Electoral Office will make their way into people's letterboxes starting tomorrow (Thursday 8 September).


Electoral Commission issues reminder on broadcasting complaints procedures

Sept 2, 2005

The Electoral Commission is reminding iwi radio stations, political parties and listeners to follow complaints procedures and requirements set out under broadcasting law concerning election advertising.

Media release

Overseas voting begins for New Zealand general election

Aug 31, 2005

Kiwis who are overseas can cast their vote in New Zealand's general election from today, Wednesday 31 August 2005.

Media release

Check Enrolment details in Black and White

Aug 30, 2005

From tomorrow (31 August), the 2.812 million Kiwis who enrolled in time will be able to check their details on the printed electoral rolls that will be used on election day.

Media release

Advance voting begins 31 August

Aug 30, 2005

Advance voting starts Wednesday 31 August for people who can't get to a polling place in their electorate on election day, 17 September.


Election advertising funds re-jigged as new parties fail to stand lists

Aug 26, 2005

Minor parties have received a small boost in their broadcast election advertising allocation from the Electoral Commission.

Media release

More political parties seeking party vote

Aug 24, 2005

Nineteen registered political parties are seeking the party vote in the 2005 general election, the Chief Electoral Officer David Henry announced today.

Media release

94 percent of voters enrolled to vote in 2005 election

Aug 22, 2005

New figures out today show 94 percent of eligible voters have enrolled to vote for the 2005 general election.

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